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发布时间:2017-05-04  点击率:0


(1) On the Image of Hamlet and His Delay

(2) Personal Tragedy As Well As Social Tragedy

—— On Theodore Dreiser’s An American Tragedy

(3) A Feminist Perspective to Jane Eyre

(4) Between Love and Hatred

—— On the Theme of Wuthering Heights

(5) The Features of Mark Twain’s Language in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

(6) On Hemingway’s “Code Hero”

(7) A Comparative Study between Shelley and Byron

(8) On the Image in “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock”

(9) The Breaking Up of the “American Dream”

—— On Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby

(10) Mirror of the Age

—— On the Realistic Style of Charles Dickens

2) 英语语言学与应用语言学方向论文题目样例

(1) The relationships between English Pronunciation and Spelling

(2) English Intonation and Its Communicative Functions

(3) A Comparison between Chinese and English Writing Systems

(4) Application of Phonetic Theory to English Pronunciation Teaching

(5) A Study of English Voices/Tenses/Aspects/Moods

(6) Simple Present Tense and Its Communicative Functions

(7) A Study of Modifiers of Indefinite Pronouns in English

(8) A Comparison between Chinese and English Ways of Expressing Future Events

(9) A Study of English Adverbials of Time and Place

(10) Causes of the Growth of Contemporary Vocabulary

(11) A Study of Chinese and English Compounds

(12) Vocabulary Development and Acquisition of Communicative Competence

(13) Word-formation and Vocabulary Learning

(14) A Study of English Synonyms/Antonyms

(15) Speech Act Theory and Its Application

(16) Shared Knowledge and Communication

(17) Differences between Semantic and Pragmatic meanings

(18) Discourse Markers and Their Functions

(19) The Functions of Repetition in Discourse

(20) Differences between Coherence and Cohesion

(21) A Comparison between Chinese and English Discourse patterns

(22) Environment and Foreign Language Learning

(23) The Functions of Imitation in Foreign Language Learning

(24) The Psychological Basis of Pattern Drills

(25) Language Input and Language Learning

(26) A Study of Reading Comprehension Process

(27) Generation Gap in Terms of Language Use

(28) A Comparison between Chinese and English Addressing Terms

(29) Causes of Language Varieties

(30) Regional Dialects and Foreign Language Learning

(31) Cultural Differences and Inter-Cultural Misunderstanding

(32) The Significance of Learning Culture in Foreign Language Learning

(33) Cultural Knowledge and Language Understanding

(34) Different Ways of Improving Our Spelling

(35) Learning Strategies in Listening/Reading Comprehension

(36) Learning Strategies in Oral/Written Communication

(37) Learning Style and Language Acquisition

(38) Personality and Language Learning

(39) Techniques in the Teaching of Listening/Reading/Speaking/Writing

(40) Techniques in the Teaching of Pronunciation/Vocabulary/Grammar

(41) Rationale behind Communicative Approach

(42) Principles for Communicative Language Teaching

(43) Using Games in Teaching School Pupils

(44) Ways of Designing Communication Task for the Language Learner

(45) The Organization of Classroom Activities

(46) The Teacher’s Role in a Communicative-Language-Teaching Classroom

(47) Ways of Enhancing Pupils’ English Learning Interest

(48) Techniques in Pronunciation/Vocabulary/Grammar/Writing

(49) The Use of Guided Composition in Language Testing

(50) Advantages/Disadvantages of Multiple Choice Items

(51) Features of Communicative Language Testing

(52) The Relations between Language Testing and Language Teaching









(8) 某一翻译技巧的应用




(1) Cultural Differences in Every Day’s Communication

(2) A Comparative Study on Cultural Difference of Color Words

(3)Taboos in Cross-Cultural Communication

(4) Cultural Interference in Cross-culture Communication and Solutions

(5) The Cultural Connotation of English Vocabulary

(6) The Cognitive Differences of Cultures between English and Chinese Idioms

(7) Analysis of Pragmatic failures in Cross-cultural Communication

(8) Cultural Connotation of Animal Words in English and Chinese



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