当前位置: 首页 >> 查重资讯 >> 综合资讯 >> 一篇学术论文投稿的所有流程是怎样的?


发布时间:2018-04-04  点击率:0


先上结论:通常的流程为 New Submission→With Editor→Under Review→Required Review Completed→Decision in Process→Minor Revision / Major Revision / Reject and Resubmit / Reject→Accept。

1. sci论文投稿之前需要准备什么

仔细阅读期刊主页的 Guide for Authors,认真按照期刊要求进行准备。

论文稿件(Manuscript),Word 或 Latex 格式,有时可能需要使用期刊的 Template。

作者信息(Authors Information, First Author, Corresponding Author),准备所有作者姓名、工作单位、地址、邮箱、邮编、ORCID及其他信息,注明第一作者,通讯作者,并列作者,并按期刊规定不同符号标出,通讯作者常用 *。

投稿信(Cover Letter),写明期刊名称,文章类型(Paper,Article,Communication,Letter,Review),论文简介,通讯作者姓名、工作单位、地址、邮箱、邮编等联系方式

图片(Figures),通常为 Tiff 或 EPS 格式,根据期刊要求调整分辨率(DPI)。部分期刊需要单独上传图片。

表格(Tables),放置在一个 Word 文档中。部分期刊需要单独上传表格。

推荐及回避审稿人(Recommended and Opposed Reviewers)。根据期刊要求推荐及回避相关领域的审稿人。可从参考文献,同行领军者,多次为该期刊审稿或投稿的作者中选择及推荐。

签署版权转让协议书(Copyright Transfer Agreement),按照期刊要求签署,Open Access期刊不用。

*图摘(Table of Contents),可选,根据期刊要求。

著名期刊Guide for Authors(Author Instructions)一览:

Nature:Online submissions : Submissions : For authors and referees : Nature


1. Before submission, the corresponding author ensures that all authors are included in the author list and agree with its order, and that they are aware the manuscript is to be submitted.


2. Cover letter

Although optional, the cover letter is an excellent opportunity to briefly discuss the importance of the submitted work and why it is appropriate for the journal. Please avoid repeating information that is already present in the abstract and introduction. The cover letter is not shared with the referees, and should be used to provide confidential information such as conflicts of interest and to declare any related work that is in press or submitted elsewhere.


3. Main manuscript

The Nature journals are flexible with regard to the format of initial submissions. Within reason, style and length will not influence consideration of a manuscript. If revisions are requested, the editor will provide detailed formatting instructions at that time.

To facilitate the review process however, we strongly encourage you to incorporate the manuscript text and figures into a single pdf or Microsoft Word file. Suitably high resolution figures may be inserted within the text at appropriate positions or grouped at the end. Each figure legend should be presented on the same page as its figure. The reference list should include article titles. If providing a pdf, please number all lines. The submission system will number all lines in a Word document for you. We accept LaTeX files at the acceptance stage, but before that time please supply PDFs.



2. SCI论文投稿方式?

2.1 纸质投递


2.2 邮箱投递


如刘克峰教授任主编的Communications in Analysis and Geometry (传送门:Communications in Analysis and Geometry),在其投稿指南(submission)中就提到:

General Information Please submit your paper to: Kefeng Liu, Editor-in-Chief, liu   @math.ucla.edu or to any member of the editorial board.

2.3 投稿系统投递


Editorial Manager (Elsevier,Springer,Wiley,Plos,Maney,Taylor & Francis常用,服务提供商:Aries Systems Corporation

ScholarOne(Wiley,RSC,IOP,IEEE,Sage常用,服务提供商:Thomson Reuters,传送门:ScholarOne Manuscripts)

AAAS Submission & Information Portal(Science及AAAS出版社期刊专用,传送门:AAAS | Login)

PNAS Manuscript Submission System(PNAS专用,传送门:Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences)

ACS Paragon Plus Environment(ACS专用,ScholarOne改进版)

NPG Manuscript Tracking System (Nature出版社专用,服务提供商:E-Journal Press,)

Manuscript Submission and Peer Review System(APS专用,服务提供商:Peer X-Press,传送门:Submit your manuscript to Peer X-Press)


Editorial Express:Editorial Express�0�3: Web-Based Software for Electronic Editing of Academic Journals

Hindawi Manuscript Tracking System:Hindawi Manuscript Tracking System


3. 开始投稿。

Editorial Manager 投稿系统使用方法:「第N讲」一篇SCI论文的投稿过程(一) - 知乎专栏

1. 注册投稿系统。

1.1 首次使用请点击Register Now,进行注册。

1.2 填写Given / First Name(名),Family / Last Name(姓)、E-mail Address(邮箱)。推荐使用ORCID(科研人员与投稿身份识别码)注册并登录,请访问:ORCID。

1.3 依次按要求填写个人信息,红色部分必填。如果以导师的信息进行注册,Title(头衔)处应填写Prof. / Dr.。

1.4 继续填写相关信息。Available as a Reviewer根据个人需要,选择是否以后作为该期刊的审稿人。

1.5 完成注册,邮箱中收到注册成功的邮件。

Dear Prof. X, You have just been registered as user for Journal of A and B. Here is your private confidential password, which you need to access our site: Your username is: Your password is: Please save this information in a safe place. Best regards, Editorial Office Journal of A and B

2. 开始投稿。

2.1 登录投稿系统,开始投稿(Submit New Manuscript)。

2.2 选择文章类型(Letter / Communication / Article / Review / Correspondence)。

2.3 键入标题(Title)。

2.4 添加作者(Author),勾选方框确认通讯作者(This is the corresponding author)。

部分期刊对于作者要求严格:We will not accept changes post-acceptance to the author list。因此要反复确认作者的排序、姓名、工作单位是否正确。完成投稿后再修改作者信息,需要提交Change of the Authorship Form。

2.5 填写基金(Funding)。

2.6 选择文章所属分类(Category)。以化学为例,部分期刊将投稿分为Organic Chemistry,Inorganic Chemistry,Environmental Chemistry等类别,交由不同的副主编(Associate Editor)进行处理,以提高文章处理速度。

2.7 键入摘要(Abstract)。注意投稿指南(Guide for Authors)中的摘要字数限制。α、β、η等特殊符号可用右上方Insert Special Character进行输入。

2.8 键入给编辑的信(Comments)。这里输入的内容将不会呈现给审稿人。通常此处用作填写Cover Letter(投稿信),但部分期刊会要求Cover Letter单独在附件中上传。

投稿信中除了对文章内容的总结、亮点的表述外,通常需要说明本文不存在一稿多投现象、没有Conflict of Interest(利益冲突)。

This is the first submission of this manuscript and no parts of this manuscript are being considered for publication elsewhere. All authors have approved this manuscript. No author has financial or other contractual agreements that might cause conflicts of interest.

2.9 推荐或回避审稿人(Suggest / Oppose Reviewers)。可从参考文献作者、同行领军者、多次为该期刊审稿或投稿的作者中推荐审稿人。

2.10 添加附件(Attach Files)。根据投稿指南(Guide for Authors)中的要求,在不同的Item中上传附件。稿件(Manuscript)为必须,部分期刊要求单独上传Figures(图片)和Tables(表格)、Cover Letter(投稿信)、Table of Contents(图摘)、Copyright Transfer Agreement(版权转让协议书)。也可上传Supplementary Materials(附加材料),通常为非关键性的辅助数据、其他图表、影片、音频等。

注意投稿系统对文件的大小要求(Size)。全部上传完成后可以用Order来调整顺序,通常的排列顺序为,Cover Letter、Table of Contents、Manuscript、Figure 1—N、Table 1—N、Supplementary Materials、Copyright Transfer Agreement。

2.11 生成PDF确认文件(Build PDF for my Approval)。

3. 投稿确认。

3.1 当投稿所用的PDF生成后,邮箱收到一封邮件。

Dear Prof. X, The PDF for your manuscript, "Title" is ready for viewing. In order to formally submit your manuscript to the journal, you must approve the PDF. Click "Author Login". In your main menu, you will see there is a category entitled "Submission Waiting for Author's Approval". Click on that category, view your submission and approve it. In the unlikely case of conversion issues you may submit your manuscript data as a PDF file. Your manuscript will then be formally submitted to the journal. Thank you very much. With kind regards, Editorial Office Journal of A and B

回到投稿系统,点击左侧的Action Links,选择Edit(继续修改)或Approve(确认提交)。确认下载后的PDF无误后,确认提交。

3.2 投稿成功,Submissions Being Processed(正在处理的投稿)数量为(1)。

Dear Prof. X, Thank you for submitting your manuscript, "Title", to Journal of A and B. The submission id is: Please refer to this number in any future correspondence. During the review process, you can keep track of the status of your manuscript by accessing the following web site: With kind regards, Editorial Office Journal of A and B

点击链接可以追踪文章投稿后状态的变化。通常为: New Submission→With Editor→Under Review→Required Review Completed→Decision in Process→Minor Revision / Major Revision / Reject and Resubmit / Reject→Accept。

3.3 进入审稿状态(Under Review)。






