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发布时间:2017-08-21  点击率:0



How many of you remember exactly what you were doing when you got that email telling you that you got into Harvard? I was playing Civilization and I ran downstairs, got my dad, and for some reason, his reaction was to video me opening the email. That could have been a really sad video. I swear getting into Harvard is still the thing my parents are most proud of me for.
What about your first lecture at Harvard? Mine was Computer science 121 with the incredible Harry Lewis. I was late so I threw on a t-shirt and didn’t realize until afterwards it was inside out and backwards with my tag sticking out the front. I couldn’t figure out why no one would talk to me -- except one guy, KX Jin, he just went with it. We ended up doing our problem sets together, and now he runs a big part of Facebook. And that, Class of 2017, is why you should be nice to people.
你们还记得在哈佛上的第一节课吗?我上的是计算机121,Harry Lewis老师超级棒。当时我要迟到了,于是抓了件T恤就套在身上,结果直到下午才发现我把它前后里外都穿反了,商标都露在前胸。然后我还纳闷怎么没人理我,除了一个人,KX Jin,他没有在意这些。之后,我们开始组队解决难题,现在他负责Facebook很大一块业务。这说明什么?2017的毕业生们,这说明为什么你们应该对别人友善一些

  But my best memory from Harvard was meeting Priscilla. I had just launched this prank website Facemash, and the ad board wanted to "see me". Everyone thought I was going to get kicked out. My parents came to help me pack. My friends threw me a going away party. As luck would have it, Priscilla was at that party with her friend. We met in line for the bathroom in the Pfoho Belltower, and in what must be one of the all time romantic lines, I said: "I’m going to get kicked out in three days, so we need to go on a date quickly."
I didn’t end up getting kicked out -- I did that to myself. Priscilla and I started dating. And, you know, that movie made it seem like Facemash was so important to creating Facebook. It wasn’t. But without Facemash I wouldn’t have met Priscilla, and she’s the most important person in my life, so you could say it was the most important thing I built in my time here.
但是我在哈佛最美好的回忆,是我遇见了Priscilla(扎克伯格的妻子)。当时我刚上线一个恶作剧网站Facemash,然后管理委员会表示“要见我”,所有人都认为我要被赶走了。我爸妈来帮我打包行李;我朋友帮我搞了个告别派对。幸运的事情就在这里,Priscilla和她朋友一起,来到了这个Party。我们在Pfoho Belltower的卫生间外排队时遇见了,接下来发生了一件永生难忘的浪漫事件——我说:“我三天后就要被赶出学校了,所以我们需要尽快开始约会。”

  We’ve all started lifelong friendships here, and some of us even families. That’s why I’m so grateful to this place. Thanks, Harvard.
Today I want to talk about purpose. But I’m not here to give you the standard commencement about finding your purpose. We’re millennials. We’ll try to do that instinctively. Instead, I’m here to tell you finding your purpose isn’t enough. The challenge for our generation is creating a world where everyone has a sense of purpose.

  Purpose is that sense that we are part of something bigger than ourselves, that we are needed, that we have something better ahead to work for. Purpose is what creates true happiness.
You’re graduating at a time when this is especially important. When our parents graduated, purpose reliably came from your job, your church, your community. But today, technology and automation are eliminating many jobs. Membership in communities is declining. Many people feel disconnected and depressed, and are trying to fill a void.
As I’ve traveled around, I’ve sat with children in juvenile detention and opioid addicts, who told me their lives could have turned out differently if they just had something to do, an after school program or somewhere to go. I’ve met factory workers who know their old jobs aren’t coming back and are trying to find their place.

  To keep our society moving forward, we have a generational challenge -- to not only create new jobs, but create a renewed sense of purpose.
I remember the night I launched Facebook from my little dorm in Kirkland House. I went to Noch’s with my friend KX. I remember telling him I was excited to connect the Harvard community, but one day someone would connect the whole world.
I found that out the hard way. You see, my hope was never to build a company, but to make an impact. And as all these people started joining us, I just assumed that’s what they cared about too, so I never explained what I hoped we’d build.
A couple years in, some big companies wanted to buy us. I didn’t want to sell. I wanted to see if we could connect more people. We were building the first News Feed, and I thought if we could just launch this, it could change how we learn about the world.
我还记得在Kirkland House的小宿舍中创造Facebook的那晚。我和我的朋友KX去了Noch。我记得我告诉他,我很开心能把哈佛的社群连接起来,但是有一天,有人会把整个世界都连接起来。
几年来,一些大公司想要收购我们。我拒绝了。我想知道是否能连接更多的人。我们正在建立第一个新闻流(News Feed),当时我想,如果我们能做到这一点,它可能会改变我们学习世界的方式

  Nearly everyone else wanted to sell. Without a sense of higher purpose, this was the startup dream come true. It tore our company apart. After one tense argument, an advisor told me if I didn’t agree to sell, I would regret the decision for the rest of my life. Relationships were so frayed that within a year or so every single person on the management team was gone.
That was my hardest time leading Facebook. I believed in what we were doing, but I felt alone. And worse, it was my fault. I wondered if I was just wrong, an imposter, a 22 year-old kid who had no idea how the world worked.
Now, years later, I understand that is how things work with no sense of higher purpose. It’s up to us to create it so we can all keep moving forward together.





